lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008

The Imbecile Continent

No one cares what happens or what doesn´t happened in Latin America. People talk about politics with the same ignorance as any other habitant of the democratic world.
Politicians manipulate the poor with élan causing entire masses to gather around for causes that should be left in someone´s closets.

I could say that I don’t like Hugo Chavez, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales and Alvaro Uribe. But I never took the time to learn their policies, to understand the countries that they govern and the perspectives that they had outlined for their citizens.

I, as an Ecuadorian, dislike complete Rafael Correa, I happen think that the President of my country should behave as a respectable public dignitary that would not be engaged in public displays of kinder garden games with the despicable mayor of Guayaquil Jaime Nebot Saadi.
But I haven’t investigated his proposals, I haven’t read about his ideas of a “new Ecuador”, I haven’t follow his comments on the future direction that our country should take and of course I had not learned anything about his political advisers.

So I am the least qualify critic of his presidency, nonetheless I oppose firmly anything that he tries to do, because his approach to the general public is full of contempt and his annoying personality erases any sympathy that I could draw toward our head of state.
This usually happens when we belong to a different line of thinking that our leaders. What Latin America lacks is that the opponents of political movements, that seem in the general picture to be doing nothing to take us out of poverty, gather in an New York like “intellectual faculty” where the weight of our thinking could generate some questioning toward our politicians.
This of course doesn’t happen, the intellectual elite is nothing but a group of so call opponents that frustrated with their economic condition fight in low end newspapers with words and ideas worth of high school headlines.

The critique of some brilliant writers is left into the edge of our commonly ignorance, as people with high educational levels feel ashamed of showing intellectual curiosity at any kind, the leaders that acknowledge this, create a masquerade to entertain the masses with great results.
While Chavez insults the “American Empire” Citgo sell gasoline in the empire´s gas stations. While Correa is courting the Chinese, Ecuadorian upper middle class people plan their next trip to Miami. All of this with the disparity of rich and poor that plagues our continent.
The problem is not that there are serious disparities between rich oligarchs and poor workers, the sad story is that no one wants this to change. Our youth is so high on “drugs” that the entrepreneur spirit is part of clubs and parties, trips and alcohol, that there are no serious thinking about developing our countries into a new globalize world.

This means that we will be stock with the same lame ass presidents for decades to come, with the same corrupt public officials, with the same group of faulty politicians, but wait, this happens all over the world.

But they have accountability which means that the common citizen could change matters if he or she wants to pursue a bad official. Also they can lobby to make laws more favorable to their business and also vote from a big range of candidates that at least hold their principles close to the policies.

This means that the next decades will be much of the same, a bad situation that has pushed us back into this third world statutes.

Who is to blame?

Not the poor people that have to worry about food on their table, they were left with no education, so we cant blame them for our failures.
The ones that deserve the blame are with no doubt the owners of big companies, the “intellectuals” that write op-ed with no consequence at all. This are the people that have the means and education to push for a change that drastically guide us toward a better future. The story is different though, they have the political connections to surge with no effort whatsoever. So we are left with a rich segment that lives in a “dream world” while the masses watch football games with bear so they forget about their daily problems.

The imbeciles in this continent blame the emigrants for not staying here, they blame the government for not doing its job, they blame everyone but themselves. What they don’t realize is that the most brilliant and hardworking people are leaving the Imbecile Continent, so we can let them govern themselves, as they please.

Cheers my two face friends!

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