lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

A Former World View

If Barak Obama is to win the US election and he becomes the next US President, then the country will turn once again as the best one by a lot of measures. That he is black caused at the beginning concern among many Democrat supporters, that he was unprepared was my main concern. I still believe that if Hillary was more honest and more committed to her ideas rather than to her popularity, she would have been a terrific US President. But that is not Hillary, despite being tough and smart she is also ambiguous when it comes to policies. She tried to mingle conservatives and liberals in the same box – that is not possible.

Obama is not my favorite candidate, I don´t like his speeches and I consider Bill Clinton to be a better political figure. Obama lacks commitment to his ideas, when I see him I just don´t feel that he truly believes in a better future, he can´t enthuse the audience – nevertheless this time is anyone but McCain. But one thing that is irrelevant to me is that he is black. And that is exactly what makes this election wonderful. It has come the time when state by state is allowing gay marriage, I do not support gay marriage, but that gay people marry is irrelevant to me. I do not support abortion, but I strongly believe that the choice should be held by woman, whom should have all the tools to make the right decision. So even when I am against abortion I feel that it should not be banned, woman must be allow to have that choice, it is only up to them – and in some cases to her partners – to opt or not for that. Many conservatives on the other hand love to slouch to woman with pesky remarks about how despiteful they find abortion´s choice of “ending a life”.

There are many other issues that I am against, but I rather oppose them intellectually than support legislation that threatens to cut liberties. I did not grow up hunting so the need to hold Weirauch HW90 and chase deer is not part of my life – Sarah Palin will be shock – but it doesn´t mean that I will go around with banners pledging to restrict gun use. To the relief of the NRA.

A world that is more tolerant could be just as threatening as a world that is too conservative. Changes somehow seem to fit perfect in US politics. That a woman and a black man fought fiercely for the nomination at the most popular party in the US was good now, not 4 years ago. That gay marriage is being allowed in certain states and not in all of them is a good process now, not 10 years ago. That smarmy Republicans seem lost with their all white candidates with no woman representation is great now, not 8 years ago. Progress in certain liberties and some equal rights could not be brought all at once, that will shock the nation, that is why conservatives are always welcome to balance things.

You don´t want to see millions of bemused guys at home babysitting kids – when nature put woman in charge because they are better suit to do a greater job than man. It is a process in which woman by slow paces are working and not staying at home, or doing it after they took care of their kids until they were old enough to be left with more freedom. It is all about adapting the entire society to the new world, without creating a wave of failures that could threaten the country.

Conservatives in this new world must be consistent to the needs of the nation; if they want to strive against liberals they must embrace true values in a silky manner. They claim that a small government is needed and they run huge deficits, they want lower taxes and they cut them for the wealthy, they claim peace and they use aggressive rhetoric to run for war. People should show their backs to this type of wonky conservatism, mainly to those unprepared intellectuals that use moral authority as a way to push for a last century agenda, when the world is fast changing into a sole entity.

The new world has a US full of emigrants coming from Asia to Latin American, with various languages, different literature, cultural backgrounds that converge in new forms, mix of races that make us all look different and somehow closer. The GOP is an all white organization in a globalize world, is an old party with medieval ideas that caused the perfect storm in just 8 years in which their top representative hold the White House.

We need someone that says no to abortion, that says yes to gun rights, that opposes gay marriage, that wants to use force instead of diplomacy, that wants a tougher control on immigration. But these ideas should not be free tickets to get a free pass on terrible other ones that have nothing to do with moral views. You can feel that these concepts are profoundly wrong; you may even think that to follow this will be to highlight what you think is hubris. In the end you must admit that if there are no contra balances to liberalism it might mangle our society to the extent that it will underscore values that many have cling on to for so long.

Tax cuts on the wealthy, lower financial control over government agencies, deregulation on the market – to later end up giving $700 billion in aid – spending cuts in social areas to run huge deficits, appointing look alike people instead of prepare ones. All of this should not be compromised by the fact that we need conservatives to oppose liberal views.

All of these battles should be on the moral ground, we cannot tolerate that these issues threaten the entire world economy. Now we finally agree what I said a long time ago, Greenspan was the worst Fed chairman in history. Two bubbles under his tenure are just as bad as two recessions under George W. Bush.

A world view painted in the streets of New York was brought to its knees when no one trusted the American President and thought this was an isolated case in which Europe and Asia will not be affected.

There is no such thing as an all mighty nation that can sustain itself without having the rest of the world helping in. We learned that while Europeans claimed their system was sound, later their “sound” banks started falling off the cliff. No one can assume that their views were right about anything just about a month ago.

Things did change and were unnoticed, things surrounded us for a long time but we loath discuss them, or at least the intellectual powerful felt blinded by current events and missed the big picture.

We will emerge much different after Obama is the new US President and the war in Iraq comes finally to an end. When CEOs are forced to quit with no much compensation, when Republicans cling to their values without being idiotic about economic policies. When jingoism is a forgotten issue. The world will always look to balance itself, it will go to a middle ground, just like people always gather in big numbers, like cities are the center of an area, like big countries the center of a region. We all tend to go the “down town”, and so the world will always be there.

The old world view has no black presidents in white countries, no high ranked woman in Middle East ones, no white CEOs in Asian companies and the highfalutin attitude of leftist governments in Latin America still shines in the horizon.

The new world center is much more liberal than the past one, and the US government will be more European than the last. The new world view has not more discussions about these issues – they are settled – the new world view will talk about real problems and not about this old social transformation. We tried to muddle archaic conservatism but it will resurge much cleaner and powerful – to incite huff in many people.

As we have entered this new century we fill that the old one looks distant – passé – we can stand on Sussex Drive in Ottawa and watch people from all over the world walking indifferent of their race. All you care about is respecting the new land in which you live, all that matters is how prepare you are, how hard working you have become. You live in an accent tongue new land that somehow is more beautiful and diverse that anything seen in the past. Sadly the hapless Republican Party still lives in a white culture that is eerie of what lies ahead; their old world view is gone, they need to embrace the new world or become the minority party of the future.

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